Dave Truby Apps

FRC Dashboard 1.0.8
Dave Truby
FRC® Dashboard is used as a status dashboardfor a FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC®) Robot. Robot statusincludes commands running on each sub system (drive, shooter, etc)and component (sensor, state, etc) state. This app also records thevalues over time. You can also drive the robot from the app.This app has no value outside of a FRC® robot environment (arobot is present on the same network).FIRST®, FIRST® Robotics Competition, FRC®, Tech Challenge, andFTC®, are registered trademarks of FIRST® (www.usfirst.org) whichis not overseeing, involved with, or responsible for this activity,product, or service.The app mimics some of the features of the FIRST® providedDashboard that runs on the control station computer. This app doesnot provide the enable/disable or watchdog features of the FRC®Dashboard - and the FRC® Dashboard is required to run theRobot.Features:* Automatic discovery of a robot present on the same network(see the settings section for the required setup).* Automatic discovery of the robot's subsystems and components(sensors, devices, etc.).* Records all data in the local database including the date andtime.* Real-time display of all values.* Drive the robot.* Initiate a robot action (fire frisbee in the 2013 setup).* View the commands running on each sub system. Example sub systemsfor the 2012 season: Drive, Shooting, Beaching (extending themechanism to lower the ramp), Gathering, Camera andScheduler.* View of the Robot's sub systems' activities (commands over time)from the recorded file.* View of the Robot's components' statuses.* View of the Robot's components' activities (state over time) fromthe recorded file.* List of robot program log records (requires you to program thisin the robot as detailed below).* Recorded data collected to a comma delimited file that can beimported into a spreadsheet for further analysis.* A set of settings to control the behavior of the app.
FRC Robot Simulator 1.0.4
Dave Truby
FRC® Robot Simulator is used to test a FRC®Dashboard for a FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC®) Robot and theFRC® Dashboard android app.FIRST®, FIRST® Robotics Competition, FRC®, Tech Challenge, andFTC®, are registered trademarks of FIRST® (www.usfirst.org) whichis not overseeing, involved with, or responsible for this activity,product, or service.The app mimics some of the features of a 2012 FRC® robot.You can also playback a file created by the FRC Dashboard App.
Big Time 1.1.4
Dave Truby
Elegant desk and night stand clock with time that fills thedisplay.
Big Time Clock 1.1.3
Dave Truby
Elegant desk and night stand clock with time that fills thedisplay.
Power Alarm 1.1.4
Dave Truby
Power Alarm - anti theft - unplug power and alarm sounds
Power Alarm SMS 1.1.0
Dave Truby
Power Alarm SMS is a anti-theft application. It provides aspeciallevel of security when charging your phone in publicplaces(airport, hospital, office, etc.). When the alarm isactivated, andyour device is charging (cable connected orwireless), if it isunplugged, the app will vibrate, flash thescreen and sound analarm. The app can also be used to notify you ofa power outage.You would need to be within hearing distance forthis to be usefulor, enabling the SMS/Email feature of the app, itwill send a textmessage and/or email when power is disconnected andconnected. Thiscould be useful at remote locations or related tothe status of abreathing or other medical device. The app can alsobe used tonotify you (short sound) that the device has become fullycharged.For added security, please set a PIN in the settings.Features:Power Alarm has two alarm states: Enabled (red) - removalof powersounds the alarm. Disabled (green) - removal of power doesnotsound the alarm. Power Alarm has two battery chargenotificationstates: Enabled (red) - when fully charged, a shortsound isproduced. Disabled (green) - when fully charged, nonotification isproduced. The Power Alarm app does not have to berunning for thealarm to sound. The alarm will sound even if theAndroid device issleeping (screen is off). While sleeping, when thealarm is tripped(power removed), the device will wake up anddisplay the unlockscreen. Having an unlock password provides anadded level ofsecurity. The app displays power connection state(connected ordisconnected). The state displays if the device isconnected to acomputer (USB), wall outlet (AC) or wirelesscharging. Many Androiddevices charge at reduced rate if connectedto a USB source and ata faster rate when connected to AC (wallplug). When the alarm istripped, the Power Alarm app is shownautomatically (after unlock)and displays the 'Silence' button. Ifyou have set a password (inthe settings), it must be enteredcorrectly for the alarm tosilence. While the alarm is sounding, thedevice's sound volume isset at max and cannot be lowered or muted.When the alarm ends, theoriginal volume is restored. While thealarm is sounding,reconnecting power stops the alarm (most likelyaction by a thiefafter unsuccessfully trying to lower the volume).The alarm can beenabled while power is not connected and the alarmwill not sound(until power is connected and then disconnected). Thealarm'senabled state is maintained even if the device is poweredoff (andrebooted). After reboot, if the alarm was previouslyactivated andpower is not connected, the alarm will sound. Note:some phones andversions of Android do not automatically sound thealarm unlesspower is connected and then disconnected after reboot.The alarmcan optionally (highly suggested) have a PIN set sosilencing thealarm requires the entry of the PIN. This password isin additionto the wake up unlock password if present. The alarm hasa soundstart delay setting where after the phone vibrates the alarmdoesnot sound for the specified delay setting. If you forgot thatthealarm is enabled, this enables you to re-connect power and stopthealarm from sounding. The alarm has a duration setting afterwhichthe alarm ends without any other action. Other than thesoundnuisance, stopping the alarm saves from the battery beingdrained.There are 4 alarm sounds: Voice (a human voice saying"Power Alarm"repetitively) Siren 1 Siren 2 None (no sound) When thealarm isactive, an indicator is displayed in the notification atthe top ofthe screen. You will find this feature helpful to remindyou thatthe alarm is active and not trip the alarm yourself. Youcan adjustthe percent battery charge that triggers the chargecompletenotification. Note that many phones do not charge to 100%.SeePrivacyPolicyhttps://sites.google.com/site/davetrubyandroid/power-alarm-privacy